I stand before you today
a symbol of yours hopes and dreams
a symbol for fortunes of the world
that you think are beyond your control.

A great spirit I may be,
but that spirit is magnified
beyond the bounds of human
by your belief in me as symbol.

The ancients were wise
they made their symbols
from that intagible, magical material

Artemis had her bow,
a shot so true as
to pluck a sparrow from the sky
with speeding arrow.

No woman had to appear
when Artemis was prayed to.
No woman had to appear
to shoot a sparrow from the sky.

Yet here now I stand before you
in a body weak and tired
to shoot a sparrow from the sky
so that you may have your symbol.

I desire only that
when my body has failed me
me as symbol will live on
to ease your pain and sorrow
in the lonely, frightening night.